More trouble. I tried everything I could find. I pinged the computer running blender from the Pi and got valid responses. I was connected with SSH, so WiFi is fine. I installed and ran the copp_server using 2 separate SSH windows and it did show me data streaming when I started it. I was able once again to see the correct KCepter show up in my drop-down list and I was able to move it and see it mimicked in blender for a few seconds, then it automatically disconnected with the same divide by zero error as before. Every subsequent attempt immediately disconnected less than a second after connecting. I was unable to get it to last more than a second or two just like before.
My communication is working between devices as proved by being able to log in with SSH, the ping test, and the copp_server. Also the initial several seconds of seeing the motion on the screen, so that is not likely the problem. Not 100% sure how to eliminate the stats node. I clicked on it so that it showed up, and deleted it. I tried again and there was no difference. I clicked on it again, attached it to the main node and then deleted it. Same results.
I decided to try a different KCeptor. I powered everything down and started from scratch. I went to calibrate it and followed the procedure in the video, and at the end, it said it calibrated the KCeptor successfully, but when I looked back, I saw issues. I didn't save a screenshot from the first one I calibrated, so I don't know if it had the same issues.
First, I say many too much variation warnings while the KCepter was sitting absolutely still on my desk with no vibration that I could detect. Second, when it got to samples collected, it said zero, but then calls it a success at the end.
I don't know if any of that happened with the first KCeptor, and I don't know why that would cause it not to stay connected, but I did find it odd.