Hi there!
In this thread I'll document my progress from start to finish, it could be useful for other people that might also struggle. Note that I had no real experience with this sort of things.
TL;DR (so far):
Whole testing story
Raspbian + Notochord
I downloaded installed the pre-made Notochord+Raspbian, I figured that if they actually made it in advance, it would have been better than trying myself to integrate it and spend countless hours on something that wasnt necessary. The install process was super easy & quick using Etcher.
Pluging everything together
In the tutorial it was shown that you needed to plug the PowerBank to the HUB, and then the HUB to the RP, but when I did I got a message when launching the system that it was "undervolted", I already had that problem in the past, so I switched the order to PowerBank -> RP3B+ -> HUB, from that point it stopped showing me the thunderbolt icon & the error message about being undervolted, while still using the MicroUSB to output 5v to the HUB like the tutorial mentionned.
I plugged a keyboard to the RP and booted the whole thing, to be greeted by a message asking me to insert a login then a password. This wasn't part of the plan, it wasn't written in the Step 2 tutorial page, the only thing written was to make a hotspot/rename my wifi to be easier for Notochord to connect directly to the Wifi. After a bit of research on the wiki page, I found out that the login was "pi" and the password "chordata". Now the problem is, I don't know if it's related to the build itself, or if it's a Raspbian thing, but apparently when you type the password, it doesnt show anything, on a regular app/website it'd show some ****** for each letter, and it kinda threw me off, I actually thought I wasn't able to input a password at all. After finally realizing my mistake, I configured the Wifi, and was ready to launch my first test of the HUB and the K-ceptor that I previously plugged in.
First Test
I was ready and excited to try the system for the first time and see how it worked, so I went on and tried to run Notochord with --scan this was the result:
info~[ 0]Notochord start @ bla bla bla date of the day
info~[ 19] Verbosity level 0
info~[ 26] K-Ceptor revision 2
info~[133] I2C adapter initialied on /dev/i2c-1
info~[140] Starting Armature scanning.
info~[148] Scan: No HUB found
error~[157] Fatal error: No armature, aborting.
I was very surprised, the HUB wasn't found, but the blue light was turned on, so I went ahead and switched my configuration back to PowerBank -> HUB -> RP3B+ to see if it worked, nope, still the same problem, so I decided to send Chordata an email asking for help.
The wiring
They replied rather quickly, telling me that I actually missed a step in the tutorial and sent me a video about the subject, the "Wiring the Hub and raspberry" one, I thought this step was only if you used the 3v3 rail from the SBC.
I plugged eveything, tried the command i2cdetect -y 1
and my HUB was finally detected! I jumped on the occasion to turn off everything and plug one of the K-Ceptor to the J1 spot and used
cd notochord/bin
./notochord --scan
The K-Ceptor was initialized as fore-arm, so I ran Blender with the Chordata plugin and tried to connect it, nothing seems to happen, tried again by typing the local IP (192.168.5.X) of my RP3B+ during the ./notochord -- scan 192.168.5.X
and then typing the same inside Blender, still does not work.
I just realized that the next step is to calibrate the whole thing, will update this post once I've done that 😃