Hey all, sorry I've been away so long. I've been swamped with freelance work and have been trying to align schedules with test subjects. Unfortunately, my first test was unsuccessful, but I'm going to lay the suit out and try initializing the biped configuration to see if I can find the problem. Here's what happened:
Once I got everything connected correctly (having the K-Ceptors not light up if they are incorrectly connected was a nice bit of the design that I found helpful), I ran the following from notochord/bin:
./notochord -c ../default_byped.xml <CLIENT COMPUTER IP ADDRESS>
In some instances, I got this error message:

In other cases, the K-Ceptors started initializing, but the dorsal and head would fail, leading to an infinite loop of errors. I thought part of this might have been due to improperly wiring the K-Ceptors to the Hub (which @daylanKifky specified here. I made sure the cables were plugged into the correct Hub channels, but was still getting errors.
So then I thought the cables might be the issue, and tried swapping what should've been the problematic cable with another, but then K-Ceptors connected to cables unrelated to the swap failed instead. I also double checked to make sure that all the cables were securely snapped into the K-Ceptors and the Hub and got the same results.
The last thing I noticed was that as my test subject was moving around during the errors, sometimes the K-Ceptors would spontaneously connect and disconnect. So at this point I'm thinking the cables themselves might be the issue, and I may need to purchase new ones.
Other notes:
I'm hoping the final production model has a suit or system of straps that are easier to deal with. The most frequent problem was slipping velcro straps (and this is with the hook side facing the test subject's clothing and the soft side facing outward).
The other issue is something I need to figure out. The project box I have for the Hub has a little too much height to it (it was the only one I found that could fit it at the time), so it's a challenge to fit that, the Raspberry Pi, and the battery pack into a modestly sized pouch. I'm also currently using a reflective jogging harness for the dorsal sensor and the belt that carries the pouch. It's a little on the flimsy side, but it's the best solution I could find currently, but I think the production version should have thicker, more substantial straps.