Hi everyone.
As you know with our last Kickstarter campaign we developed the ++ version of the hardware witch brings many improvements and solves some problems with the previous prototypical hardware (KC revision 2.3 and lower).
We are currently developing a new version of the KCeptor conceived to be built at home, the Revision 3.
It will incorporate many of the features of the ++ version like reduced size, RJ45 connectors so you don't have to crimp your own cables and Hub as raspberry HAT. We will also change the sensor on this revision to use the ICM20948. This decision is caused by the current shortage of LSM9DS1 caused by the global semiconductor crisis we are facing. This component seems to be less affected by the crisis than the LSM9DS1, so it's somewhat easier to find.

We will publish the KICAD sources of this new designs as soon as they are ready, and keep you all informed of the progress using this thread