Many thanks for your contribution!
I'm reviewing the modifications you made but the commit is quite cluttered and the actual mods are hard to spot.
In order for us to be able to review PRs and merge them to the official release they should follow a couple of basic code contribution practices:
- Each commit should have a clear purpose and affect just the necessary lines of code to make the new functionality/bug fix work. That way we can take a look at the
and get an idea of what it's doing.
- Each commit should have a short descriptive title
- Ideally the PR would reference an issue opened in the original repository. If there's no open issue about something you want to add we would appreciate if you open one describing the new feature you plan to create
I'm sorry to tell you this now, such a requirement should be explicitly stated somewhere on our contribution rules, we'll include it as soon a possible
By the way, on your commit there are a lot of lines modified just for the style. That's probably caused by some auto-formatting tool on your IDE. Even if there are not explicit style rules for the notochord
and (admittedly) it has not the prettiest code format in the world changing the format of complete files in your commits makes the diff
really hard to read for the reviewer