daylanKifky so you installed the dependencies manually?
I think it might be some dependencies need to upgrade, but pip not upgrade it without -U

New error occur.
2022-04-09 00:09:52,603 - INFO - Chordata Armature_Manager init with ['Armature'] armature object
Chordata Armature_Manager init with ['Armature'] armature object
2022-04-09 00:09:52,635 - INFO - COPP_Server listening at port 6565
COPP_Server listening at port 6565
2022-04-09 00:09:52,635 - INFO - Receiving thread started
Receiving thread started
>> Start calibration STATIC at sample: 0
<< End calibration STATIC at sample: 93
>> Start calibration STATIC at sample: 94
<< End calibration STATIC at sample: 291
>> Start calibration ARMS at sample: 292
<< End calibration ARMS at sample: 594
>> Start calibration TRUNK at sample: 595
<< End calibration TRUNK at sample: 949
>> Start calibration LEGS at sample: 950
<< End calibration LEGS at sample: 1232
Labels in DF: ['l-hand' 'r-upperleg' 'r-lowerleg' 'r-foot' 'base' 'l-upperleg'
'l-lowerleg' 'l-foot' 'r-upperarm' 'r-lowearm' 'r-hand' 'dorsal' 'neck'
'l-upperarm' 'l-lowearm']
Labels in DF: ['l-hand' 'r-upperleg' 'r-lowerleg' 'r-foot' 'base' 'l-upperleg'
'l-lowerleg' 'l-foot' 'r-upperarm' 'r-lowearm' 'r-hand' 'dorsal' 'neck'
'l-upperarm' 'l-lowearm']
Vertical calibration, node: l-hand
Vertical calibration, node: l-hand
acc vector mean: [0.08879499 1.10154468 0.30892796]
acc vector mean: [0.08879499 1.10154468 0.30892796]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6045, x=-0.7940, y=0.0640, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6045, x=-0.7940, y=0.0640, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1475)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1475)>
Vertical calibration, node: r-upperleg
Vertical calibration, node: r-upperleg
acc vector mean: [0.01290608 1.14283218 0.18237926]
acc vector mean: [0.01290608 1.14283218 0.18237926]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6490, x=-0.7607, y=0.0086, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6490, x=-0.7607, y=0.0086, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1574)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1574)>
Vertical calibration, node: r-lowerleg
Vertical calibration, node: r-lowerleg
acc vector mean: [-0.11712439 1.10922776 0.1454203 ]
acc vector mean: [-0.11712439 1.10922776 0.1454203 ]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6598, x=-0.7473, y=-0.0789, z=-0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6598, x=-0.7473, y=-0.0789, z=-0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1248)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1248)>
Vertical calibration, node: r-foot
Vertical calibration, node: r-foot
acc vector mean: [ 0.23435154 0.50303136 -0.80130216]
acc vector mean: [ 0.23435154 0.50303136 -0.80130216]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.9545, x=-0.2703, y=0.1259, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.9545, x=-0.2703, y=0.1259, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.9747)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.9747)>
Vertical calibration, node: base
Vertical calibration, node: base
acc vector mean: [ 0.09386357 1.01558201 -0.26140341]
acc vector mean: [ 0.09386357 1.01558201 -0.26140341]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7900, x=-0.6105, y=0.0564, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7900, x=-0.6105, y=0.0564, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0529)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0529)>
Vertical calibration, node: l-upperleg
Vertical calibration, node: l-upperleg
acc vector mean: [0.1508523 1.00376587 0.19393803]
acc vector mean: [0.1508523 1.00376587 0.19393803]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6373, x=-0.7620, y=0.1145, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6373, x=-0.7620, y=0.1145, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0334)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0334)>
Vertical calibration, node: l-lowerleg
Vertical calibration, node: l-lowerleg
acc vector mean: [0.07851479 1.04909339 0.01129151]
acc vector mean: [0.07851479 1.04909339 0.01129151]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7033, x=-0.7089, y=0.0531, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7033, x=-0.7089, y=0.0531, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0521)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0521)>
Vertical calibration, node: l-foot
Vertical calibration, node: l-foot
acc vector mean: [-0.22604957 0.62926665 -0.87205477]
acc vector mean: [-0.22604957 0.62926665 -0.87205477]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.9470, x=-0.3023, y=-0.1086, z=-0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.9470, x=-0.3023, y=-0.1086, z=-0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0989)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0989)>
Vertical calibration, node: r-upperarm
Vertical calibration, node: r-upperarm
acc vector mean: [-0.1562251 1.03543655 0.04060566]
acc vector mean: [-0.1562251 1.03543655 0.04060566]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6933, x=-0.7126, y=-0.1075, z=-0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6933, x=-0.7126, y=-0.1075, z=-0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0479)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0479)>
Vertical calibration, node: r-lowearm
Vertical calibration, node: r-lowearm
acc vector mean: [-0.02476872 1.0380915 0.07705869]
acc vector mean: [-0.02476872 1.0380915 0.07705869]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6804, x=-0.7326, y=-0.0175, z=-0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6804, x=-0.7326, y=-0.0175, z=-0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0412)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0412)>
Vertical calibration, node: r-hand
Vertical calibration, node: r-hand
acc vector mean: [0.03477873 0.98009652 0.23799337]
acc vector mean: [0.03477873 0.98009652 0.23799337]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6181, x=-0.7856, y=0.0279, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6181, x=-0.7856, y=0.0279, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0092)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0092)>
Vertical calibration, node: dorsal
Vertical calibration, node: dorsal
acc vector mean: [-0.30971583 -0.78607534 -0.1585902 ]
acc vector mean: [-0.30971583 -0.78607534 -0.1585902 ]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7696, x=0.5941, y=-0.2341, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7696, x=0.5941, y=-0.2341, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.8596)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, 0.0000, -0.8596)>
Vertical calibration, node: neck
Vertical calibration, node: neck
acc vector mean: [-0.35019723 -0.96428873 0.18838652]
acc vector mean: [-0.35019723 -0.96428873 0.18838652]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6401, x=0.7222, y=-0.2623, z=0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6401, x=0.7222, y=-0.2623, z=0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0431)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (-0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0431)>
Vertical calibration, node: l-upperarm
Vertical calibration, node: l-upperarm
acc vector mean: [-0.01841333 1.08212 0.06023019]
acc vector mean: [-0.01841333 1.08212 0.06023019]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6872, x=-0.7264, y=-0.0124, z=-0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.6872, x=-0.7264, y=-0.0124, z=-0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0840)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0840)>
Vertical calibration, node: l-lowearm
Vertical calibration, node: l-lowearm
acc vector mean: [-0.19601983 1.11495569 0.01857725]
acc vector mean: [-0.19601983 1.11495569 0.01857725]
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7013, x=-0.7021, y=-0.1234, z=-0.0000)>
vert_rot - math utils: <Quaternion (w=0.7013, x=-0.7021, y=-0.1234, z=-0.0000)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1322)>
acc mean vector vert rotated: <Vector (0.0000, -0.0000, -1.1322)>
PCA, node: l-hand
PCA, node: l-hand
PCA singular values: [619.78624109 104.98479758]
PCA singular values: [619.78624109 104.98479758]
PCA components from l-hand: [[ 0.27906552 -0.96027206] [-0.96027206 -0.27906552]]
PCA components from l-hand: [[ 0.27906552 -0.96027206] [-0.96027206 -0.27906552]]
1st component angle: -73.7955599735838
1st component angle: -73.7955599735838
angle to rotate: 163.7955599735838
angle to rotate: 163.7955599735838
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.1409, x=0.0000, y=0.0000, z=0.9900)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.1409, x=0.0000, y=0.0000, z=0.9900)>
PCA, node: r-upperleg
PCA, node: r-upperleg
PCA singular values: [374.99115881 221.691765 ]
PCA singular values: [374.99115881 221.691765 ]
PCA components from r-upperleg: [[-0.00149836 0.99999888] [0.99999888 0.00149836]]
PCA components from r-upperleg: [[-0.00149836 0.99999888] [0.99999888 0.00149836]]
1st component angle: 90.08584946856233
1st component angle: 90.08584946856233
angle to rotate: -0.08584946856232384
angle to rotate: -0.08584946856232384
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=1.0000, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.0007)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=1.0000, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.0007)>
PCA, node: r-lowerleg
PCA, node: r-lowerleg
PCA singular values: [959.175736 167.86336176]
PCA singular values: [959.175736 167.86336176]
PCA components from r-lowerleg: [[-0.1389565 0.99029849] [-0.99029849 -0.1389565 ]]
PCA components from r-lowerleg: [[-0.1389565 0.99029849] [-0.99029849 -0.1389565 ]]
1st component angle: 97.98746805066479
1st component angle: 97.98746805066479
angle to rotate: -7.987468050664786
angle to rotate: -7.987468050664786
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.9976, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.0696)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.9976, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.0696)>
PCA, node: r-foot
PCA, node: r-foot
PCA singular values: [1196.13135172 294.71927195]
PCA singular values: [1196.13135172 294.71927195]
PCA components from r-foot: [[-0.94494153 -0.32723923] [ 0.32723923 -0.94494153]]
PCA components from r-foot: [[-0.94494153 -0.32723923] [ 0.32723923 -0.94494153]]
1st component angle: -160.8987066687961
1st component angle: -160.8987066687961
angle to rotate: 250.89870666879608
angle to rotate: 250.89870666879608
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.5800, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.8146)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.5800, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.8146)>
PCA, node: base
PCA, node: base
PCA singular values: [314.55920087 33.88069653]
PCA singular values: [314.55920087 33.88069653]
PCA components from base: [[ 0.99991946 -0.01269145] [0.01269145 0.99991946]]
PCA components from base: [[ 0.99991946 -0.01269145] [0.01269145 0.99991946]]
1st component angle: -0.7271861881832999
1st component angle: -0.7271861881832999
angle to rotate: 90.72718618818331
angle to rotate: 90.72718618818331
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.7026, x=0.0000, y=0.0000, z=0.7116)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.7026, x=0.0000, y=0.0000, z=0.7116)>
PCA, node: l-upperleg
PCA, node: l-upperleg
PCA singular values: [435.13636157 137.73055065]
PCA singular values: [435.13636157 137.73055065]
PCA components from l-upperleg: [[-0.36135461 -0.93242847] [ 0.93242847 -0.36135461]]
PCA components from l-upperleg: [[-0.36135461 -0.93242847] [ 0.93242847 -0.36135461]]
1st component angle: -111.18341083121801
1st component angle: -111.18341083121801
angle to rotate: 201.18341083121803
angle to rotate: 201.18341083121803
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.1838, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.9830)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.1838, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.9830)>
PCA, node: l-lowerleg
PCA, node: l-lowerleg
PCA singular values: [989.61324365 176.2986895 ]
PCA singular values: [989.61324365 176.2986895 ]
PCA components from l-lowerleg: [[-0.5110231 -0.85956698] [-0.85956698 0.5110231 ]]
PCA components from l-lowerleg: [[-0.5110231 -0.85956698] [-0.85956698 0.5110231 ]]
1st component angle: -120.73200170532296
1st component angle: -120.73200170532296
angle to rotate: 210.73200170532294
angle to rotate: 210.73200170532294
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.2650, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.9643)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.2650, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.9643)>
PCA, node: l-foot
PCA, node: l-foot
PCA singular values: [1165.89829867 168.88021129]
PCA singular values: [1165.89829867 168.88021129]
PCA components from l-foot: [[-0.98746299 0.15785069] [-0.15785069 -0.98746299]]
PCA components from l-foot: [[-0.98746299 0.15785069] [-0.15785069 -0.98746299]]
1st component angle: 170.91783524400503
1st component angle: 170.91783524400503
angle to rotate: -80.91783524400502
angle to rotate: -80.91783524400502
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.7609, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.6489)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.7609, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.6489)>
PCA, node: r-upperarm
PCA, node: r-upperarm
PCA singular values: [597.7731544 70.13969648]
PCA singular values: [597.7731544 70.13969648]
PCA components from r-upperarm: [[-0.1268792 0.99191818] [0.99191818 0.1268792 ]]
PCA components from r-upperarm: [[-0.1268792 0.99191818] [0.99191818 0.1268792 ]]
1st component angle: 97.28928998114841
1st component angle: 97.28928998114841
angle to rotate: -7.2892899811484035
angle to rotate: -7.2892899811484035
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.9980, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.0636)>
PCA rotation: <Quaternion (w=0.9980, x=-0.0000, y=-0.0000, z=-0.0636)>
PCA, node: r-lowearm
PCA, node: r-lowearm
2022-04-09 00:10:59,561 - ERROR - An error was found during the pose-calibration process
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 222, in run
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 137, in run
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 193, in func_calib
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 231, in _PCA
func_i, func_s = self._get_func_range(label)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 131, in _get_func_range
return func_i, func_s
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'func_i' referenced before assignment
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 205, in modal
self._modal(context, event)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 78, in _modal
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 253, in __call__
return self.process_packet(packet)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 259, in process_packet
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 253, in __call__
return self.process_packet(packet)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 256, in process_packet
ret = self.exposed_handlers[](packet=packet)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\nodes\", line 362, in process_quats
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 256, in calibrate
pre_calib, post_calib =
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 228, in run
raise Calibration_error("Error running pose-calibration algorithm, see console for details")
chordata.defaults.Calibration_error: Error running pose-calibration algorithm, see console for details
An error was found during the pose-calibration process
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 222, in run
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 137, in run
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 193, in func_calib
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 231, in _PCA
func_i, func_s = self._get_func_range(label)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\pose-calibration\calibration\", line 131, in _get_func_range
return func_i, func_s
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'func_i' referenced before assignment
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 205, in modal
self._modal(context, event)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 78, in _modal
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 253, in __call__
return self.process_packet(packet)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 259, in process_packet
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 253, in __call__
return self.process_packet(packet)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 256, in process_packet
ret = self.exposed_handlers[](packet=packet)
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\nodes\", line 362, in process_quats
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 256, in calibrate
pre_calib, post_calib =
File "C:\Users\max_3\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\", line 228, in run
raise Calibration_error("Error running pose-calibration algorithm, see console for details")
chordata.defaults.Calibration_error: Error running pose-calibration algorithm, see console for details
2022-04-09 00:10:59,566 - INFO - Socket closed
Socket closed
2022-04-09 00:10:59,566 - INFO - Receiving thread ended
Receiving thread ended