Sorry for delay about 1 month, I'm busy on my job this month. And @YJBeetle is also busy for his job too.
This month, we made an PCB for finger sensor test, this PCB is soldered but doesn't test. I will test it these weeks.
And I entrust a PCB designer to design a Hub using CM4, you can see the image in the pervious post (Powering by a lead storage battery). It allowed powered by USB Type-C or a PH2.0-2P connector with 5V to 24V battery and switch between them online. (This port will connect to 18650 battery at last.)

No, I got the same result like pervious video. Rotation and movement not correct.
I recalibrate all K-Ceptor facing south too, but there is no change.
I talk to @ShiroSaki with this problem, she think this is a software issue on blender addon during calculate the quaternion.