Hey, @HalloweenBob !
If you open that OpenSCAD file you'll see four variables at the top:
You can change any of these to affect the file. So please, insert the font name you desire here - I love a good sans-serif gothic font, though lots of people do not have Akzidenz installed. The follow-up to that font was Futura, which a lot of people do have.
You can also see that "plate" is set to "false," which means it won't show until you change it to true. This is pretty standard format for OpenSCAD; you can design everything all at once and then only show parts so that you can export STLs for your printer without having the entire multi-part model in there.
And of course, you can change the name of the part. Because the Chordata biped calls the unit "l-forarm" when it means to say "left upper arm," I went ahead and labeled my Kceptors with the units I understand so that I can put on the suit without getting confused as to the order of the Kceptors. But I kept "Dorsal" and "Base."
Because I DID export them all as STLs so that I could print them, I have them all and I zipped them up here:
Yes, I moved the first link I posted, which was the Hub. I did so to put everything in a folder on Dropbox. That Hub is still here, though:
And the whole folder is here, so that if/when I post more, you can just go here and get it.
I did not make anything to hold the Hub and Pi together! @DigitalStages has his lovely case, far better than my clumsy designs, which does exactly that. I just found a pretty bog-standard Pi case from Thingiverse and used that. My janky old Prusa clone 3D printer is not so good with the overhangs, and I'm even less good with figuring out how to print with supports, so that's why I made these pretty simple designs. I would have preferred to use the pretty one!
And finally, the whole thing about labeling in OpenSCAD is simply because I'm so crap at it that if I do NOT label it I can barely find my way around the file when I make it. I'm pretty much hunting and pecking to get it to work.
I'm glad this stuff is of some use to someone else!