Hi Chibiin
Chibiin Debug node outputs nothing aswell
This is a clear sign that the packets are not arriving to you PC. If the notochord runs without errors it is unlikely that it's not sending any. In order to confirm this we can try a couple of tests:
Simple test
Boot the RPi and issue the following command:
ping 192.168.X.X #this should be the IP address of your PC
Do you get the pings back?
Advanced test
The more advanced test requires to receive the packets in the same raspberry.
In one raspberry terminal window* clone the COPP_server, which is the software in charge or receiving packets inside the blender addon. This might sound hard, but you only need to issue the following lines (requires access to internet):
cd ~
git clone https://gitlab.com/chordata/copp_server.git
That will download the copp_server
module inside your home folder.
now you can initiate the server to listen for incoming packets
cd ~ #this line is optional, it will change the current working directory to you home folder if you are somewhere else
python3 -m copp_server 6565
Now, in another terminal window run the notochord as you normally will, but make it send messages to localhost
cd notochord/bin
./notochord --scan 6565
If you dont see packets printed in the copp_server terminal then the notochord
got the coronavirus 🤡
(*) several windows?
If you are runing the RPi by plugging a monitor and keyboard, and you are using the version of raspbian we provide (without desktop environment) it might be hard to have two separate terminal windows to operate with. One solution would be to use SSH to create two parallel sessions. If you don't want to use ssh there's this great terminal tool called tmux
. It can be used to split the terminal window.
#install tmux
sudo apt install tmux
#enter tmux
#You will see the terminal changed, there's a bar at the bottom.
#Now split the screen
tmux split-window -h
You can now navigate both panes with CTRL+B
and then right or left arrow