Dodo2207 here you go

If you plan on powering the Mini HUB (and subsequently all your Mini K-Ceptors) from the Raspberry Pi, you need to short the jumper SBC5V. The first pin (top left) on the Mini Hub is the 5V and should be connected to one of Raspberry Pi's 5V pin. The ground pin is selv explanatory, there are a few GND pins on raspi.
SDA and SCL on Mini HUB should go to I2CSDA and I2CSCL pins on the raspi. You can see the pin number on the above picture.
If you have shorted the SBC5V jumber by soldering, and have chosen to power the Mini HUB directly (and not via raspi), then this will also provide power to the raspi. If you want to power Mini HUB and raspi separately from each other, DON'T connect the 5V pin; just connect GND, SDA and SCL!