I've finished soldering and testing all 15 Mini K-Ceptors. Now I'm ready to start making my first Mocap suit 😃

I've experimented a bit with a 4-wire cabling and so far the i2c seems very stable. I will continue with that as the wiring is slightly more flexible.

Now the casing... I wanted to ensure that the k-ceptor LEDs are visible so I opted for using commercially available light pipes. The ones I had on-hand were round capped 3mm light pipes from Bivar (pn: VLP-200-R). I forgot they had mounting pins so I did not add the alignment holes to the PCB. I just cut them off.

The tolerances on the printed caps came out very nice. The K-ceptors "click" in place. This is temporary, I will figure out how to mount the botton part of the casing as I design it along.

Both LEDs (5V and 3.3V) are now visible from a wider angle.