I'm Val and I'm new to Chordata. I'd like to thank you guys for this awesome open source project.
While waiting for my parts to arrive I've started working on a smaller version of the K-Ceptor with some ideas in mind.
As I shared in other posts, I'd like to power every K-Ceptor via the 5V to allow extending the hiearchy with other HUBs powered by one ore more Raspberry Pi Zero W. My "Mini K-Ceptor" has it's own low dropout regulator to feed the board with 3.3V from the supplied 5V. This gives a better flexibility in future should there be any need for 5V supply without additional cabling.
The ENABLE pin is dropped and I've relocated the available wiring for extra power.
The two layer board ends up being 43x16mm which is quite close to the size of the two 6p6c modular jacks plus the requred spacing between them, back to back.
All components are SMD. IC packages are still the same package types from the BOM, however the resistors and decoupling capacitors are 0805. Power capacitors and "address translation" resistors are 1206 size.
This will be my work-in-progress thread