Update, the cables are both too long and too short. My left side has noticeably less range of motion than my right, and shifting the pi around on the belt can't alleviate the by very much. also having the cables exposed is turning out to be quite the hazard already. I don't have an empty warehouse to use while capturing, it all needs to happen in my apartment. And with the current cable solution every doorknob or cabinet handle, or any number of other obstacles suddenly has become extremely hazardous. I am going to have to look into some solution to bind the excess cable to the straps. Although this also is an issue, as some of cables do not have a lot of extra length to spare in some poses as I mentioned earlier, and I am afraid that any sort of cable management is going to limit that further.
I'm also having some slight problems with the straps loosening due to the buckle not gripping the strap enough. I'm going to look into solutions to better hold the strap at a certain length such as a clip or tie system.