Then your boards come in looking like:

If you want help with the actual soldering process, feel free to watch these:
And for the few parts you need to use through-hole techniques for, I got one of these kits:

It's got the tools you need, plus you can get a little practice in.
And here's a video about how to do it:
Here's a separate link to get to what all I'm using until the pending stuff is complete:
And after you get all of the parts put on, the KCeptors look like:

You'll probably notice that the light has 2 anode pads and 2 cathode pads, but the circuit board only has one of each. I just soldered one of each in their designated places, because it doesn't particularly hang off the board, and if the solder is good, it's pretty securely on there. Plus the electron flow will still make it's proper circuit. And I just noticed that this picture was back before I had finished them (I didn't have enough R6 and R8 for all of the boards because of the update from version 2.2 to 2.3, so I had to make a third order to have enough of each part). If someone really cares about seeing the exact final product, I can post a picture of the complete KCeptor from the top view.
And the Hub looks more or less the same, just with a lot of stuff on it. If someone wants a picture of it, I can add that later.
*After this, I need to make sure my flashed SD card (the image is provided in my packet) is actually working...
*I need to make the wires.
*I am 3D printing cases for each circuit board, so I'm getting the sizes and final shape finished up right now. It has wings for velcro to go through, a top and bottom that you can epoxy together in designated places, and before doing so, you can place the board inside it.
*I will be spraying the plastic enclosures (while empty) with an anti-static spray so that static doesn't get inside of them due to atmospheric issues or movement.
**All of these updates will be explained once I've done them.