So for the suit you saw above: I fixed the issue in the arm by taking the sensor out of its homemade container (which required some force as there was some glue). Putting it back in the container now it works fine. The hand tho seems like a different issue and wasn’t responding to any of my input for moving it (me moving it is not shown in video).
What’s weird is none of this seems repeatable in any meaningful way. When I tried again, with the exact same sensors except for the hand one which has been replaced with one of the older ones., the leg started spinning. The older one that replaced the hand isn’t spinning but suddenly the right leg is. I should note I’m not in the suit in either of these first two cases, it’s just lying flat.
Since the leg seemed off, I thought I’d try taking it out of the case and putting it back in, like I did for the arm in the first video. Here is the video I took directly after taking it out of the case:
No spinning. And now here it is back in the case:
Spinning. So clearly I must be doing something wrong with the case.
So on a hunch, I did some more, first with the right leg k_Ceptor on the bed on the suit just as in the spinning case directly above, and then I flipped the case over. I recalibrated the mocap position, and waited. No spinning. The only thing that changes is the orientation of the board and the forces on it from the things it’s attached to. (But I’m still not in it).
So I feel like this indicates either I’ve done something wrong on the hardware side (as you see it does take awhile to get to it’s new position) or my case is somehow messing with the board in an unforeseen way. I’m not sure if it’s worth more testing or to re-solder my components or what. (I tried to include more videos but I think my other ones were too long)