daylanKifky So I used the Physics toolbox app, and it does indeed look like there is a change in reading the closer I get to the floor. The readings usually hover in the mid 40's, high 40's at the knees, and high 50's when close to the floor (I also checked around the room to make sure I wouldn't get close to other magnetic field or ferrous metal sources). I tried calibrating on a couple of different wooden chairs and standing on the floor, but the results were the same. Also, while I still had knee issues, they yielded some interesting though mysterious results.
For reference, each time Notochord was executed using the following command:
./notochord -s 51 -c ../default_biped.xml <MY COMPUTER'S IP ADDRESS>
K-Ceptor configuration:
Head: 2-1
Dorsal: 1-1
Base: 0-2
L Shoulder: 0-4
L Forearm: 1-5
L Hand: 2-5
R Shoulder: 0-5
R Forearm: 1-4
R Hand: 2-4
L Upper Leg: 0-3
L Lower Leg: 1-3
L Foot: 2-3
R Upper Leg: 0-1
R Lower Leg: 1-2
R Foot: 2-2
On the final test I swapped the positions of the Base K-Ceptor (0-2) and the Right Upper Leg K-Ceptor (0-1).
During the first test (0:00 through 1:15) It looks like the right leg was working fine, but the left leg was getting worse over time. It looks like not only was is bending sideways, but the leg looks like it was twisting at the hip.
In the next tests (1:15-3:15) I realized that I should probably up the frame rate of the scene to 60 in order to increase the packet rate. In the first attempt it looked like both legs were twisting at the hips now, but the right leg was bending to the side, while the left leg seemed normal. However, when I performed this test again, and bent my left knee back and forth, I noticed that the armature's knee was bending diagonally.
I thought that maybe my Upper Leg K-Ceptor might be slightly misaligned so I readjusted their positions slightly on the velcro straps, which led to the 3rd series of tests (3:15-6:14) The first one at 24 fps was a mistake (forgot to save the blend file with the 60 fps frame rate), but I kept it in as the results after adjusting the K-Ceptors are the same in both frame rates. Now not only was the right leg's sideways bending more pronounced, the left leg was also bending toward that same direction. Despite trying scene reloading, restarting the Notochord program, powering off & rebooting, or adjusting the upper leg sensors during the capture, the result remained the same.
As previously stated, I decided to switch the base and Right Upper Leg K-Ceptors for the final test (6:14-6:39) as I tend to use the same K-Ceptors for the head, dorsal, and base, and they usually don't give me problems. Doing this seemed to fix the right leg, and the base also seemed to be working fine. The left leg however, was still bending diagonally to the side.
Results Summary
First test: Hip Twisting on left leg, working right leg, incorrect bending on left leg
Second Tests: Hip twisting on both legs, both legs have bending problems
Third Tests: Both legs have consistent and pronounced bending problems
Fourth Test: Switching 2 K-Ceptors somehow fixed the right leg, the left was still bending incorrectly
Hope this helps.