As many of you might already know. We will soon be launching our Kickstarter campaign. In case you missed it here's the campaign video
This campaign is really important for the Chordata project, because it will allow us to upgrade from a prototype developed with minimal resources to a production quality product supported by a sustainable company. In this process the whole system will receive consistent improvements in accuracy, usability and features. It will also guarantee the longevity of the project.
To make this objective become real the communication is crucial, and each one of you can make the difference. Please help us spreading the word by sharing the publications @Flavia does periodically on one of our communication channels:
Tell people about chordata, help us reach new people by talking about chordata in channels not covered by us (it would be great to have some presence in Reddit, for example). And share your own experiences with videos and photos!
Many thanks to you all for being there! 🖤