Hi Chordata Team!
I was wondering what was the reasoning behind having the EEPROMS located on the Kceptor nodes, instead of just saving the calibration data on the SBC?

The best rationale I can think of is to allow for individual node calibration without being attached to the rest of the system? But it appears you still need the hub and SBC connected to do sensor calibration, so the rationale is kinda shot.

They are stored in the EEPROM for convenience and portability. The calibration values are taken from the errors delivered by each individual sensor. So the best way to pair the calibration values with the sensor is to keep them physically coupled.

If you are an advanced user you can skip the EEPROM if you want: the notochord dumps some XML tags with those values at the end of the calibration. You can copy-paste them inside the correspondent <KCeptor> tag and they will be applied even without EEPROM.