• Capture suit design record

I think connect the K-Ceptor and disconnect them with a lot of wires every time is trouble. So I decide to make a capture suit just like X-Sens.

This design process has following steps.

  1. Painter to draw a concept picture for capture suit.
  2. Take this concept picture to a tailor.
  3. Select a suitable clothing material to make this suit.

Now, I found a painter and a tailor to help me with my design of suit.

A painter named 霁月秋鱼 (@霁月秋鱼 on Weibo and Mihuashi)will help me to create concept picture with 3-dim. I paid for her on mihuashi (A chinese painter planning platform), and she allowed to open-source with CC BY-NA-SA this concept picture.

A tailor named 狸茯 (@fuafuali on Twitter), my friend who make kigurumi suit, I think capture suit material will benefit with kigurumi suit maker. He will transform concept picture to a cloth.

Now, let's start with first step!

First, I think capture suit contains following parts.

  1. headband
  2. jacket
  3. pants
  4. gloves
  5. shoes

I think jacket can use zip for base cloth design. The most important design is to fix the sensors.

Make some pocket with zip maybe a good idea. My K-Ceptor is 55mm55mm17mm with case.

And maybe wires can hide with cable tray with zip between nearby K-Ceptor.

I use a custom pcb design for Chordata Hub, it use CM4 for computing module. Lite version of this PCB design will open source (Lite version will remove USB Type-A port, audio jack, HDMI, Ethernet RJ45).

I will attach this pcb to capture suit.

This PCB design include the functionality of Chordata Hub and a power switch, use 18650 power bank with PH2.0 connector, and USB Type-C, it will switch between this two power input online without power off the system.

I suggest to use Hub hat with Raspberry pi with capture suit, if you don't have this special PCB (This design haven't opensource now, I am so busy for work and some live streaming software.)

Great! can't wait to see what you will come out with

5 days later

This is the first concept image for capture suit from 霁月秋鱼, tomorrow I will make an online conference with her
to add more detail.

Ok, this is the 2nd concept image from 霁月秋鱼. Sensor position is correct.

Now, We start to design gloves and foot sensor fixed solution.

The black rect is the hub pcb, red outline is a case for this hub, case will fixed with the hub using the hole in the corner of the hub pcb, and the case have four holes outside the pcb area for capture suit.

This is this the fix solution for my hub board. This fix solution is flexable beacuse it doesn't contain sensor, displacement between body and hub doesn't matter. (CM4 is really hot too.)

The sensor fixed pocket.

Head sensor fixed.

The cable groove sketch

Cable groove with zip.

With the last discussion with painter, we decide to make a bodysuit like kigurumi suit. This will make wiring space better.

The first full-body capture suit concept image is here. The "sensor pocket" is adopted with the original K-Ceptor, if you want to use mini K-Ceptor, maybe you need another fix solution. Zip on the cable groove is not shown on this image.

Capture gloves and foot sensor fixed solution is in progress

Battery pocket and Logo 🙂

Head sensor solution, using non-elasticity material with velcro to fix the sensor.

Glove with flex sensor fix solution.

Okay! We finally have chordata capture suit design for original K-Ceptor. This design is publish with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License, thanks 霁月秋鱼 for help!

Notice: All zipper or buttons need to use plastic or nylon material, DON'T USE metal!

    I just talk to tailor, he said he is busy for another project for his shop, so it will take some time to make this.

    a month later
    a month later

    Now, I traveled to another city which tailor lives in. We discussed with the design and he start to make the first version of chordata capture suit.

    3 months later

    Please ignore the color of the fabric, I use the fabric which tailor already has.
    This picture is taken when I talk to the tailor where to place the sensor pocket.

    A few days later, I got the first version of capture suit, and there has some issue. This picture is taken when issue is solved. But I haven't test it, now I bring this suit back to my home in another city. And the broken K-Ceptor in another thread is changed by @YJBeetle .