I'm trying to get my hubs to work but in both configurations I get readings from my multimeter that I don't know if they are correct.
When in the "new" configuration, my LED light doesn't turn on, TP10's value is 5V, the small test point dot near the led is 3.3V, and the JP1 pins are 3.3V, .25V, and 0V respectively.
When in the "old" configuration the LED light also does not turn on, TP10's value is 0V, the small test point dot near the LED is 3.3V and the JP1 pins are 0V, .25V, and 3.3V respectively.
For both setups whenever I run the i2cdetect -y 1 command I do not get any values just blank dashes. For just a hub I am expecting it to show up with a 73 but in either configuration I don't get the desired results. I am using a regular smart phone charger so I don't know if that has anything to do with the problem.
Is there something software wise I need to be doing? or is there a specific area I need to look at to re-solder? Any help is much appreciated because I'm kind of lost at this point.