Hi, I am building the mini version of Chordata and have some questions on my hub.
My RPis don't recognize my hub.
Powering up just fine. Both 5v and 3.3v red LED lit up. No light on RGB LED though.
What I did:
I tried different RPis, zero w and RPi 4 but the same results.
Change the wires. No luck.
RGB LED doesn't lit up so I removed it but it didn't affect any.
I accidentally switched SDA and SLK wires then it recognized hub but kept printing setup error messages.
Soldering job looks good to me. I retouched the pads on U5 with soldering iron tip to make sure but the same error message.
The voltage reads are:
for SDA 3.3v, SLK 210mv. Are these in the normal range?
I am ordering more components to build spare hubs(I should've ordered 23 sets. My bad..) but I really want to find out what is the problem with my hub.