daylanKifky Thanks for your reply. Yes, I hope we get a straight osc feed to be able to dock directly without Blender as "Bridger" soon. Thumbs up :-)
I just got running on my pi, and it spits out quaternions. I had to run pip3 install python-osc in order to get it work. I think I need to work out a way now, how to get the same thing working on my client machine (as you mentioned in your reply above).

Just running the with the wifi network IP does not work. The IP of my pi ends with .53, while my client ends with .170. "localhost" and "...170" stays blank, while "...53" spits out an error. Sorry, I am newbie on that matter.
I ll keep you updated. Nice, that I have the format now, so I can actually work on the code in openFrameworks, even it does not quite work yet: /Chordata/q/kc-CH_2-2: (x,y,z,w)