I have a different result today. I initiated scan. It says on the last line "K_Ceptor kc-CH_1-0...: setup ok" Then in blender I clicked <Connect>. And very quickly I got a "float division by zero stack trace". Here is the full error code:
2020-06-17 14:42:13,454 - ERROR - Stopping Chordata engine due to an unknown error
float division by zero
Stack trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Will\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\base.py", line 201, in modal
self._modal(context, event)
File "C:\Users\Will\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\notochord_ops.py", line 77, in _modal
File "C:\Users\Will\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\chordata\ops\engine.py", line 232, in call
self.id_node.outputs["stats"].config.packet_rate = self.stats.get_rate()
File "C:\Users\Will\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\chordata\utils\timer.py", line 63, in get_rate
return 1/self.get_last_lap()
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
2020-06-17 14:42:13,469 - INFO - Socket closed
2020-06-17 14:42:13,469 - INFO - Receiving thread ended
but. I clicked connect again and everything worked.
Maybe its how I'm breaking the scan? I am doing a ctrl_C to get out of the scan. The divide by Zero seems to happen after I stop the scan this way. But when I restart it, and then connect the first time in blender is when I get the divide by zero. But if I click <Connect> a second time it works and I don't get cut off.
Is there a proper sequence to stop streaming the data to blender? I'm probably not doing something in the proper order that is causing this error.