Hi, I am terribly sorry about this huge time delay. I was consumed by other projects, so I did not recognize the messages. Thanks for your feedback.
To the first question of @daylanKifky about fixing the cases to the body:
Yesterday, I finished the work on the stripe system I developed (Photos below). Thanks to my mum, I could make this happen.

I will create a report with sizes and parts you will need, which I am going to add to the existing gitlab project mentioned above.
@NakedRabbit , you asked me about printer settings. Please can you upload some picture to let me see the problems?
The case parts (base and lid) for kceptor sensors need to be printed both on its head. Always think "flat side is bottom". Turn the parts upside down. Use Rotate>>X>>180 in Slic3r...no fillings...only support underneath each slit on the base part.
Side note: I now have activated all notifications possible, so I hopefully get your answers soon after you post it. Again, sorry for the delay.