Firezac I have used the lines of code and he is accusing an hexadecimal error,
I guess I also made some error while copying the script to pastebin, but apart from the error it printed the number I was looking for: 550000
This number represents the "baudrate" of the i2c
bus used to read the KCeptors, we can try to lower this speed to see if the reading errors disappear.
In order to do it type:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
It will open the config.txt file with the nano
text editor, look for the line:
change it to a lower value, for example 200000. Save the file, reboot, and try to launch the notochord
to read all the KCs again.
Let me know the result, if you get positive we will still need to tweak the baudrate a little to get better performance.
Some questions:
- Are you using a Raspberry pi 4?
- The problematic sensors where those at the tip of each branch?