If all K_Ceptors are OK, then start Blender, create new project, remove the Cube. From the menu, choose Window. Chordata, Init Chordata Mocap Session :
Then choose from the menu, Window, Chordata, Add a Mocap avatar to the scene
From the Chordata window, look at the Nodes pane. Resize the Nodes window so that you can see, if necessary.
Chordata Full Biped should be selected in the Node window menu bar, and the Armature Node should be Chordata_biped :
If you do not see the Connect button, click the Demo Mode button, and it should be displayed.
Click Connect. If successful, the Blender avatar will be repositioned and will move with the sensors.
To calibrate, press the Calibrate button, then have the performer face South in the T-pose -- performer must face South to calibrate (currently). Then click Calibrate.
After calibration, we did notice that the positions of the hands in Blender were drifting even though the performer was still. So we recalibrated all the sensors. The sensors that were the most stable were used for the hands, feet, head, and base.